Our WordPress TEAM’S Blog Called iROCK4FREEDOM! (12-7-2013)



Our WordPress Website Development TEAM’S Historic Website Called iROCK4FREEDOM! (12-7-2013)

Our WordPress TEAM’S Blog Called iROCK4FREEDOM! (12-7-2013)—> this is where we started to solidly develop the Idea for the 1st Internet Woodstock (iWOODSTOCK).  We came up  with this GREAT IDEA on April 9, 2012—> Admittedly, we were all pretty stoned at the time.  ADOGG aka Allen D

Posted on December 7, 2013


Just another WordPress.com site


AN About FROM> iROCK4FREEDOM.COM!—> DEC 29 – JAN 1st!!!

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

AN About FROM> iROCK4FREEDOM.COM!—> DEC 29 – JAN 1st!!!


Posted on December 7, 2013 by  aka ADOGG and Allen D who has a Dream and a —>

Imagine Live – John Lennon – 72 (10-15-2013)

Imagine Live – John Lennon – 72

Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

You, you may say
I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world

You, you may say
I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will live as one

Writer: Lennon, John

Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group




Two Notable Paragraphs WRITTEN IN OCT/2013

I Cannot Imagine a Much Better World without the American Mafia’s close collaboration. However, I have yet to hear from them. That’s Odd. Hopefully, we will sit down with each other in NYC in November. Perhaps we should even be sitting down with each other now. Timing is everything! as far as market timing goes. And we control the timing! >>>Assuming that we get together soon and “work things between us out”.<<< ADOGG aka Allen D

My door is Always Open to you from this point forward. I am not afraid of you at all. In case things “go bad for me”, at least I have Many Guardians of the Truth on the Internet! Hallelujah! ADOGG aka Allen D



About Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

We R WordPressWarriors for the Truth! 

A WordPress Collaborative Internet Team has been “Collaborating Intuitively With Each Other Using WordPress” over the Internet since April 2012.

“Collaborating Intuitively With Each Other Using WordPress” means that although a number of people are working together using WordPress to achieve the same ends (an Internet Woodstock or one here… and a Justifiable Revolution In America) and Worldwide as well, we are not in direct contact with each other in any way (such as email, messaging, phone, VIDEO CONFERENCING using GOOGLE Hangouts or any other Internet Video Means, or talking face to face).

One member of this WordPress Collaborative Team is Allen Darman (pictured above), the primary author, an alternative medical discoverer and co-discoverer, and the man behind the rather massive WordPress Website of close to 3,000 blogs calledNutrientscure.WordPress.com.

Another member of this WordPress Collaborative Team is Mark Jaquith ofCoveredWebServices.com, to the best of Allen Darman’s knowledge. (Mark Jaquith is a brilliant man. He is one of the top people in America, if not the World, in regard to WordPress and its underlying coding.)

Other than Mark Jaquith, Allen Darman does not know any of his other WordPress Collaborative Internet Team Members by personal name, email address, phone number, or any other way.

The fact is that other than Allen Darman and Mark Jaquith, all of the rest of our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team members have chosen thus far to remain anonymous (due to the personal risks involved in telling the Truth). According to Allen… “Other than Mark J, I do not know who has been heroically helping me with WordPress since April 9, 2012. However, I strongly suspect that whoever they are, they are living in the San Francisco Bay Area, if not San Francisco proper.”

Speaking of San Francisco—> I bought an Amtrak Ticket to Go There! from Albany NY by train beginning on DEC 8th.—>

I should definitely be in San Francisco at the Fisherman’s Wharf somewhere on the 11th unless the Feds use the NDAA on me while traveling.

Despite some members of our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team not knowing each other personally, we are helping each other over the Internet in an anonymous fashion in order to get a number (12-16) of Socially Significant WordPress Websites Organized, Edited, and Completed.

Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team Is At War With Our Own United States Federal Government and with Many Other Federal Governments Worldwide.

We are also at war with Big Banking, Big Pharma (an Evil of Epic Proportions), Big Oil, Big Nuclear, Big Coal, Big Energy, Big Medicine, Big Farming, Big Food, Monsanto, the Illuminati (or whatever the heck they call themselves), Organized Religion, the Mafia (unless they switch sides), and with Many Other Powers that Be too.

There is perhaps not a single Power in the World outside of the Powers that Be on the Internet such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and those on The Internet that Recognize, Support, And Share The Truth that our WordPress Collaborative Team does not threaten in one way or another.

It is a case of the People against their Unjust Or Untruthful Oppressors, whomever and wherever they may be.

We Stand For Every Just Cause Worth Mentioning.

We Stand For A Generic God (“the little piece of God in all of us”), For Nature, and For This Beautiful Planet God Gave Us that Is Being Irreparably Damaged Due to Corruption, Stupidity, Power Hungry Madness, and Human Greed.

We Stand For the Truth.

Lastly, We Stand For Internet Freedom, for Without Internet Freedom there is No Freedom At All.

Allen Darman and his heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team


Notable Quotes

The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.Gustave Flaubert

Discovering what you believe using an Incredibly Versatile Writing and Blogging Platform called WordPress can be dangerous to your health. Hopefully, the Power of the Internet will someday be shown to have been great enough to save those that tell Truths that threaten Government, Corporate, and Other Wealthy and Powerful Interests on the Internet. Allen D

Our Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team is Going to Start the 1st Internet Woodstock called iROCK4FREEDOM! or we are going to die trying! That’s No Lie!AllenD and His Heroic San Francisco and Florida WordPress Collaborative Internet Team!

If the writing is honest it cannot be separated from the man who wrote it.Tennessee Williams

I think before and during the time that I am writing.  When I think, I use this Incredible Organ called a Human Brain. Even if there are Aliens out there somewhere (or here already, as may very well be the case), there is Nothing Quite the Same as the Human Brain in the Universe. I know that many people say that “There is Not a God!”, but when I ponder all of the human brain’s and the human body’s complexities, I sure as heck know that there is Something Out There on a higher level than us!  When it was made the Earth was just some molten Star Material that got thrown off and eventually became this Round Ball we call the planet Earth.  Out of this molten rock thrown off from our sun when it was born “We have a human brain!” and “We have a human body” and “We have all the other trees, plants, animals, fishes, and mammals with a body and a brain 2!”. Who designed all this stuff? Who or what made this all happen? from “some cooled off molten rock that simply missed being made into our sun”? And who made all of the other Stars and Planets in the Universe? and all the Other Life out there too far away from us to see its mathematically certain existence? Who makes the Earth go around the sun, staying at just the right distance? In my mind, there is a God! There has to be! This God, God/Nature if you will, Made My Brain and my Body! and He or She told me to Use Them! And Use Them Wisely! And this God/Nature told me that “when I write” I should be Honest, as Honest as I can possibly be! I have no problems whatsoever being honest when I write, 4 I am a Creation of God/Nature just as you are don’t u see? If not, perhaps your Natural/Conscience will eventually let u know who you really are. It helps if “You Just Look at Yourself” in the mirror in the morning for a little while and Look Straight into Your Own Eyes.

God/Nature will talk 2 u! Just listen.  AllenD

The Fate of both America and the World may very well hinge on a Corporate Entity called Google—> for this Very Influential Corporation is Perhaps the Only One in the World that has Both the Power and the Means to Actually Change Things in Timeassuming that they take the reins to do so in their hands and use these reins for the Betterment of All Humanity. AllenD

There is no doubt in my mind that GOOGLE, the American Mafia headquartered in NYC, my WordPress Team, and some other Smart People working in Respectful Collaboration with Each Other represent “the Very Best Chance 2 Save both America and the World” that we have got. AllenD

Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own. Carol Burnett

Words, once they are put on the Internet using WordPress, have the ability to go throughout America and around the World—> at least until the “Ministry of Truth” United States Federal Government Censors take over a matter of months from now. AllenD

I am a drinker with writing problems. Brendan Behan

I am a writer that likes to Smoke a Natural/Green/Plant made by God/Nature! called pot…puff puff pass! I’d be quite pleased if ya do! lol AllenD

i love that guy with the cardboard signs!


Our WordPress Collaborative Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites are as follows… all of the Images are “Clickable”.

  • 1) iROCK4FREEDOM the 1st Internet Woodstock!


  • 2) A 420Management Website titled


  • 420Lesbian Serf Bears and Slaves!!!


  • 3) Presidential Roundtable Internet Government (e-government) Website


  • 4) A Suppression of Truth Website


  • 5) Willy Darman’s Co-Discovery Website


  • 6) A Justifiable Civil Disobedience Website


  • 7) Our July4thRevolution WordPress Website


The Above was Written by Allen D with critical Expert WordPress Help from Mark J

And With–—>

Appreciated Editing and 24/7 Intuitive Help from—>  

the People Underlying WordPress

And With–—> the Google Company, the Facebook Company and the Twitter Company helping us 2. 

And With–—>

Heroic Help from our
San Francisco Hippie Gang of

WordPressWarriors for the Truth! 



Are Patriot Movement, Alternative Medical Truth, Energy Invention Truth, and 9/11 Truth Internet Revolutionaries! and—> 

Internet Educational Course Development
WordPress Website Revolutionaries!
 as well.

We Won’t Take U.S. Government Lies and their Federal Government Suppression of Truth for an answer any more! It Is About Time For The Truth To Set Our Fellow Americans and Humanity Free!


Some Rel8ed Blogs—>

That We—>

WordPressWarriors did—>

1) An Internet Based Federal Government Should Have Eight Presidents Rather Than One

A Federal e-Government Should Have Eight Presidents Rather Than One (12-2-2013)

2) A List Of Eight WordPress Blogs 4 The History Books (12-5-2013)

3) Eight WordPress Websites That Will Soon Change The World (12-3-2013)


Remember 2 SHARE all of THIS STUFF with Your Family And Friends!


i am just a humble worker bee 4 god


iROCK4FREEDOM IS NOT “Just another WordPress.com site!”—> IT IS HISTORY BEING MADE AS WE SPEAK! thanks 2 a lot of Smart and Heroic Silicon Valley folks!


A Complex War In America Is Going To Get Physical Soon! (11-6-2013)

Posted on November 6, 2013 by 



All of my Fellow Americans should become Aware of the Truths contained in this WordPress Blog.

A Complex War in America is close reaching the Boiling Point.

Action is About To Replace Words!

This Complex War is about to get physical (probably in 2014), make no mistake about this!

You had better>>> Become Prepared and Ready For This!

It might be best for you to familiarize yourself with this complex war before it is too late!  (Educate Yourself! Knowledge is Power After All!)

The More People that know “what this blog says”, the “Better Chance that We have of Succeeding at a Necessary and Justifiable Non-Violent Revolution“, or “Succeeding at a Necessary and Justifiable Revolution with a Minimum of Violence“, if violence need be.

What is a “Complex War”?

Admittedly, “a Complex War” is a phrase that has not been used much before.

A complex war is a war in which there are more than two sides that are fighting each other.

In this complex war, many different players are involved.

In actuality, in the complex war going on in America today, over two dozen “sides” are involved.  (I refer to these “sides” as “power structures” in the material below.)

It would be wise to familiarize yourself with these power structures because—>  No matter where you live in America—>

Or No Matter Where You Live in the World, for what happens in America is going to have a huge impact on the rest of the World too!

Your Own Personal Future, Your Personal Health, And Your Personal Wealth are dependent on the Outcome of this Complex War.—>

It is Up to You! and the People that You Know, to ensure that “We Win!”.

So are the futures, the health and the wealth of your children and grandchildren dependent on the Outcome of this Complex War.

For their Sake, We Had Better Win!

In this war—> The Future of America Is At Stake!

The Future of Everyone in America, not just a few!

So is the Future of the World as we know it at stake too.

Every Single Person on the Planet Earth will be heavily effected by the Outcome of this Complex War that we are in!

This “Complex War Blog” CONTAINS FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE THAT Virtually EVERYONE that can read—–>


You won’t hear what is in this Complex War Blog from the U.S. Government, but that does not mean that it is not true.

“Don’t Trust the Feds! They Lie All the Time! They Should Not Be Trusted at all!”

A Short Introduction to Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

Hi! How Are You Today?

Please Allow Me 2 Introduce Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team.

Photo on 3-15-13 at 5.58 PM #2

My name is Allen Darman.
I am an Old Hippie that Went to the Original Woodstock in ’69 And—>
I am a Truth Soldier for God.
If you want to know “where my heart Truly lies” read the blog titled—>
Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me.

I am the Author for a heroic WordPress Website Development Collaborative Internet Team that is currently based in Florida, San Francisco and Albany NY (the latter may change soon).

Mark Jaquith of CoveredWebServices.com is in Florida, I, Allen D, am currently in Albany, New York. And we have a number of heroic WordPress Website Development Specialists in the San Francisco Bay Area that are Collaboratively Helping Us over the Internet.

We are Patriot Movement Internet Revolutionaries.  We are currently developing 21 Educational Websites for the Patriot Movement at this time.

Thankfully, we are being backed up and supported by many Silicon Valley Powers that Be, to include the companies of Google and Facebook it seems!

Our Patriot Movement WordPress Website Development Team is Collectively and Collaboratively Standing Up to Many Powers that Be, to include the extremely corrupt United States Federal Governmentother corrupt Federal Governments worldwideBig PharmaBig Oil, Big Nuclear Energy, Big Coalthe Illuminati, and the American Mafia (unless this latter organization “Switches Sides” as explained in the material below).  All of us have put our lives at risk out of a heartfelt sense of moral obligation to do so.

We are Standing Up for Ourselves, for Our Loved Ones, for Our Fellow Americans, for Humanity and for YOU! (the reader of this blog).

Allen D and Mark J—>

With Deeply Appreciated Help from the Management of Companies such as GoogleFacebook, and probably Twitter, deeply appreciated help from the People Underlying WordPress, and with Heroic Help from Our San Francisco Hippie Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth! (These latter two may be one and the same. I have only a few clues.) 


One of the Best Solutions For America To Change For the Better involves a Mutually Respectful Collaboration between Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, the American Public, and the American Mafia.

In essence, this blog defines America’s Big Problems in a nutshell, and Offers the Best Solutions without a lot of detail.


This Complex War WordPress Blog is THE MOST IMPORTANT WordPress Blog that I have written in my life.

It is the Most Important Blog that I have ever written because it contains an ***ACCURATE*** Big Picture Scenario of all of the Combatants that are Involved in a Complex War that is going on at this time, not only in America, but in much of the rest of the world too.  Allen D 


The Power Structures in a Complex Battle Currently Being Fought “Behind Closed Doors for the most part” Are As Follows—>

Power Structure Number One is “the Immoral Corporations”.

The Immoral Corporations ARE THE BIG EVIL HERE. They have Control of Governments Worldwide via the Methodologies of Bribing Politicians, Bribing Main Stream Media, and By Employing the Mafia to Use Force (and to Kill When They Feel It Is Necessary).

Power Structure Number Two >>>Federal Governments Worldwide<>to Include our own United States Federal Government Of Course.<<<

Our Own U.S. Federal Government and Other Federal Governments Worldwide ARE THE NEXT BIGGEST EVIL after the Immoral Corporations.

Almost All, If Not Virtually All, Federal Governments Worldwide ***DO NOT*** “Put the Welfare Of Their People First”.


Power Structure Number Three is the American Mafia.

Few persons realize the Depth and Strength of the Mafia’s Power, both in America and Worldwide.

Even Fewer Persons realize that it can be Justifiably Stated that “the American Mafia has gained control of all three branches of the Federal Government in the United States of America”.

The Thrust in much of my blogging for the past six months or more is that the Key To Regaining American Freedom and Fixing America’s Many Serious Problems is to convince the American Mafia to “Switch Sides” and Work With Silicon Valley to Replace Our Current Federal Government, and To Pay The American Mafia Well on an Annual Basis out of the U.S. Federal Treasury for doing so.

Since October 3, 2013 I have gotten the sense and some significant hints via the Internet that the American Mafia headquartered in NYC has (1) Finally Made the Wise decision to at least seriously consider “Switching Sides”! and Assist Google, Facebook, Other Silicon Valley Players and my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team in regard to Starting and Winning a Justifiable Revolution in America,
And that (2) The American Mafia Is Willing to meet with me and talk.  

It is also my sincere belief that the American Mafia will also want to meet with Google, Facebook, WordPress Corporate and my WordPress Collaborative Internet Team after the Mafia and I talk things out first.

This Attitude of the American Mafia at present (assuming my assumptions are correct) represents a huge change from not long ago when the American Mafia was attempting to repeatedly murder both myself and my San Francisco WordPress Team members.

I firmly believe that the American Mafia, Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, and the American Public can and should “cut a mutually beneficial deal with each other”.




I admit to all that I may be wrong in my assumptions in regard to the above. However, I have received some Hints Via the Internet that would lead anyone with a logical and deductive mind to the Conclusion that the Above Assumptions Are Correct.

I DO NOT SEE THE MAFIA AS EVIL unless They Go Against God’s Will and the Will of The People by Killing Me or any other Member of my heroic WordPress Collaborative Patriot Website Development Team.

I SEE THE MAFIA AS AN ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL ALLY TO HAVE ON ONE’S SIDE ON AN ONGOING BASIS To Straighten Out What Is Wrong with America, and To Make Sure that Things Do Not Ever Get This Screwed Up Again.

The Mafia is “like a gun”. It represents FORCE. This Gun, or this Force, can be Pointed In Either the Right Or The Wrong Direction. If the Mafia Did “Switch Sides”, they went from “Being Pointed In The Wrong Direction” to “Being Pointed In The Right Direction”.

Power Structure Number Four Thinks They Are Good—>But They Are Really Evil!

Who is Power Structure Number Four?

Power Structure Number Four Is the Illuminati, the New World Order Folks, the Agenda 21 folks, the Bilderberg Group, the Club Of Rome, the Wealthy Elite, or whatever these people want to call themselves.

This is a very small, but immensely wealthy and powerful group of folks that want to sneakily kill off well over 90 percent of us, and enslave the rest.

Admittedly, the earth we live on does have a serious Overpopulation Problem. This problem sure could use the best and the brightest in America to work on it, and it is going to require the Collaboration of All Nations.

The World’s Overpopulation Problem does not need a sneaky answer foist upon on all of us, especially our innocent children, by Power Structure Number Four.

Power Structure Number Four Has No Right to Attempt To Heavily Depopulate This Planet using (1) a Wide Range of Pharmaceutical Medicines and Vaccines based on Intentionally Fraudulent Science, (2) Poisons in our drinking water such as fluoride and others, (3) Airborne Poisons dumped on us from above, (4) Soil borne Poisons, (5) Poisonous food additives, (6) Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Foods, (7) Forced Climate Change (Climate Change that would not need to happen if numerous Energy Inventions of all sorts were not Intentionally Federal Government Suppressed), (8) the Use of Mafia Force to intimidate and/or kill anyone that is a real threat to Power Structure Number Four, (9) Mainstream Media Brainwashing, and (10) a plethora of lies.

What right do these wealthy and powerful people have in regard to choosing who lives and who dies?

Neither Money Nor Might Makes Right.

Nor Do Either Money Nor Might Give One THE RIGHT to PLAY GOD.

“If God is to be played at all, it should be played by the Collective God in All Humanity, and not just the will of a few.”

Power Structure Number Five is The Will Of the People in America.

We Are the Only Nation With Enough Guns in the Hands of the People. Without Millions of Guns in the Hands of the Public we would not stand a chance. (Yes, life is that brutal.)

Power Structure Number Six is the exploding Patriot Movement in America.

The Patriot Movement is at the Forefront of Revolution in America.  It is made up of Awake and Aware People that realize that an entire system change is necessary, and that a Revolution Involving Massive Civil Disobedience and/or Massive Force is needed to get there.

Power Structure Number Seven is Women!

Thank God For Heroic, Awake and Aware Women!  I know for a fact that there are a lot of heroic women out there in San Francisco and elsewhere supporting my heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team! 

Logo Title: Womens Day 2013 *Just Think of What Is Going To Happen* in the future When All the Women of the World Become Connected Over the Internet!

What’s nice about this is “the Mafia frowns on killing women!”, and “the Feds do too!” “Everybody frowns on such!”  It’s About Time You Women Said “Enough Is Enough!”—> Let’s straighten out this mess you men have made of Everything! If you men don’t behave and do what we say, we’ll sick the Mafia on you! until you do.

Power Structure Number Eight Is The Hacker Group known as Anonymous.

The Hacker Group Anonymous stands by Ready to Give the United States Government fits if it unjustly censors the Internet.  Can you imagine if this blog, or if other effective Revolutionary material, was “what came up on your screen” when you went to the Obamacare website to buy health insurance?  Anonymous can make this happen, and will do things very similar to this on a repetitive basis from computers all over the world if the U.S. Federal Government gets stupid and “tries to shut down Freedom of Speech in America”.

Power Structure Number Nine is The Truth.


The Internet, Desktop Computers, Laptops, Smart Phones and Time Assure This (the Above).

Power Structure Number Ten is God.

God is in Every Human Being… and More So in Those Persons that Are Obedient to Him Or Her Or Whatever God May Be.

To go against Nature and the Universal Order of Things is to go against God.

I like my father Arthur Darman’s phrase God Nature. Art equated the Natural World and the Universal Order of Things with God. So do I.

And believe me, in going against God… or against Nature… a penalty will be paid for such.

Climate change is one example of this.

Lack of health from eating GMO foods is another.

Using toxic medications to attempt to cure human health conditions while suppressing the healing power of nutritional supplements to do the same is another example as well.

Ignoring the God Given Design And The Digestive Efficiency of the Human Digestive System when treating virtually ANY Human Health Condition is another. Overpopulation of the Planet Earth is the last example of Going Against God Nature that I will mention today in this regard—>

But there are others as well.

God Is In This Picture.
Power Structure #10 is the MOST Powerful OF ALL!

Make No Mistake About This!

God Is “On the Side of the People”.

God wants us to justly, humanely and smartly figure out a way to get out of the mess we have gotten ourselves into.

Power Structure Number Eleven Is My Revolutionary WordPress Patriot Movement Website Development TEAM, As Well As—>

ALL Of The SMART Silicon Valley And “INTERNET CONNECTED PEOPLE” that have become Aware of us, and—>


On our Twenty WordPress Websites and 1 dot or 2 Com Websites.

The Gateway Website to All of these Websites is below—>

Our Patriot Movement Team’s >>>Primary PATRIOT MOVEMENT WordPress Website!<<

  • Screenshot

The Above Website has 20 or 21 Websites that are Feeding It and Supporting It.  SweetSixteenWebsites.WordPress.com (To Bring the Feds Down we found that we could use four or five more.)


Power Structure Number Twelve Is The Internet Powerhouse called Google.


Thank God For Google! The United States Of America and the World both Owe a Great Deal! to this Morally Driven Corporate Entity that Is A Champion For Internet Freedom And The Truth!

I love Google’s Mission Statement on their “About” Page—>

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Google’s “About Mission Statement” has “not one word out of order or out of place”, as far as I’m concerned.  Perfectly Stated! And I could not agree more!

Incidentally, the Google Corporation plays a rather unique role in All Corporate History!

Google is essentially—>

“The Gateway to All Human Knowledge” in this modern day and age!!!

Wow! What could be More Special and More Powerful than being “The Gateway to All Human Knowledge”!

What a Special Destiny that Google has! (just as my WordPress Collaborative Internet Team has as well!)

Even if the Feds Shut Down the Internet, and thus temporarily strip Google from being able to—>

Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.


The exploding Patriot Movement will undoubtedly be able to “fix this Internet Censorship soon” (by one way or another).

Power Number Thirteen is the Internet Powerhouse called Facebook.

I firmly believe that Facebook has also Become Aware Of and Is Being Supportive Of My WordPress Collaborative Website Development Team.

My WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT Website Development Team And I Wish to DEEPLY THANK Facebook, not only for Supporting Us, but for Supporting the Rapid Rise of the Patriot Movement on the Internet!!!

Like Google (and Google+), Facebook has the inherent power to Wake Up a Billion People practically overnight.

Power such as this—> the Ability to rather quickly Make a Billion People Aware of the Truth, Whatever that Truth may be—> is World Changing Power, to say the very least.

Power Structure Numbers Fourteen Through Twenty Four are All Internet Related, or somewhat related to the Internet.

YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, WordPress or any other Blogging Platform, Video Conferencing, Email, Every Other Method Not Yet Named Of Sharing Information Over The Internet With Others, Apple, Samsung, and—>

ALL Alternative News Sources of Truthful Information (many of them with millions of Twitter subscribers or more).

Powers NumberTwenty Five On Up, are all those Respected News and Knowledge Sources with over a Million Followers on the Internet.  (Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, David Icke, Mike Adams, George Noory, Dr. Mercola, the Drudge Report, etc.  I wonder how long it is going to be before “They All Justifiably Carry Our Team’s Websites as a Link on Page One”.)


We are living at the Most Exciting Time in Human History due to the Expansion of the Use of Computers, Smart Phones, and the Internet in America and Worldwide! and the Growth of The Power of the Internet!

The Power of the Internet Can And Should Be Applied To Helping America Stop From Going Down The Course of Self Destruction It Is On. (The same goes for many other countries in the world too.)

Due to the Power of a Free and Open Internet, the Collective Human Brains of the Best and Brightest People in America and the World Have the Ability to Connect With and Work With Each Other No Matter WHERE THEY MAY BE!

Due to the Power of the Internet, the Collective Human Brains of the Best and the Brightest People in America (and Worldwide in those countries that are uncensored) NOW HAVE THE ABILITY TO Collaboratively Tackle America’s and Humanity’s Problems<<>>and FIND THEIR SOLUTIONS!!!<<<

Buried Secrets and Suppressed Truths of All Sorts, Especially In The Realms of (1) the Suppression of Alternative Medicine, (2) Energy Invention Suppression and (3) 9/11 Truth are Finally Coming to the Light of Day due to >the Power of a Free and Open Internet!<

Even if the U.S. Federal Government (1) Shuts the Internet Down or (2) Censors the Internet Unjustifiably In Order To Save Its Corrupt Self<<>>the U.S. Government WILL NOT BE ABLE To Enforce This Lack of Freedom of Speech for Long< > for U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Internet Censorship Actions WILL DEFINITELY SPARK a Winnable JUSTIFIABLE REVOLUTION in America!!!

The Truth On Many Critical Topics being realized by the masses can only be slowed down by our corrupt U.S. Federal Government and other corrupt governments worldwide.

The Truth Cannot Be Stopped.

The Complex War is one in which the People and the Truth Will Inevitably Win!

Thank God For Google, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, the Patriot Movement, the hacker group Anonymous, a Lot of Good People Everywhere, and the Power of a Free And Open Internet.

Most Importantly, I Would Like to Deeply Thank a true American Hero named Mark Jaquith of
And All Of Those Smart WordPress Website Development Folks in San Francisco that Heroically Stood Up For Me in April 2012.

In the foreseeable future, I also hope to thank the American Mafia In Person for “Wisely Switching Sides” and coming onboard with Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, the American People and My Heroic WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT Website Development Team in order to Save American Health, American Freedom and the American Economy, and Perhaps Save the World too.

I refuse to believe that God Nature designed humanity to destroy itself and the planet it inhabits.

It sure appears to me that Due to the Power of the Internet (a Power that is growing), Humanity has finally gained the Wisdom, the Knowledge, and the Ability To Save Both Itself and the Fragile Planet It Inhabits.

It also appears that in the end, things are all going to work out, regardless of what may or may not happen to me.

Allen D (with help from his deeply appreciated heroic WordPress Collaborative Patriot Website Development Team)


Some Personal Notes By Allen D

I refuse to Live In Fear of Being Murdered Any More. If there is a trap set for me, I choose to not avoid it.

I am currently residing at my sister Laurie’s rented house in Albany NY as I write this.

If either the U.S. Government (Suspect #1 and the Most Likely Party To Do So), the Illuminati (Suspect #2), the American Mafia (Suspect #3, or perhaps “my best friend” IF THEY “Wisely SWITCH SIDES”), Big Pharma (Suspect #4) or Big Oil (Suspect #5) acts against me while residing at my sister’s Laurie’s house in Albany NY in the Fall or the Winter of 2013, they will suffer the consequences of this.

If Internet Martyrdom is going to be my fate, so be it.

My Destiny is in God’s Hands, not mine. Who am I to “second guess God?”. I gracefully Accept the Destiny that God may have in store for me for the rest of my life, however long or short it may be.

If Surviving the Storm such that My WordPress Collaborative PATRIOT MOVEMENT Website Development Team and I REMAIN ALIVE TO BE *the Key Catalyst* in Leading America (and Eventually the World) Out Of The Fate Of The Dire Course It Is On, so be it as well.

In getting this Complex War WordPress Blog to the state it is now in, I HAVE completed a Major Step in Helping America and the World To Accurately and Truthfully Understand Where It Is At and What It Needs To Do To Fix Things<<

>>>I Have No Fear Whatsoever Left In Me Any More!<<<


I Owe So Many So Much for Living Long Enough to Complete this WordPress Blog to the point where it is today.

First and Foremost, I Owe My Mother And Father Arthur and Marion Darman.

My mother and father Groomed Me, and Prepared Me Well, for the Epic Battle that I have been in against Big Pharma, the Mafia, Big Oil and the U.S. Government beginning in the Summer of the Year 2000.  (This Epic Battle Began as a Result of My Gaining a World Leading Degree of Knowledge (#1) in Regard to How to Properly Treat a State of Biochemical Depression via Natural Means as a result of a Series of Personal Discoveries that I made between July 1997 and April 2000.)

Many of the Persons that I Owe a Great Debt of Gratitude To Are Extremely Likely To Be In The Upper Management of the Google Corporationthe Facebook Corporationthe Twitter Corporation, Other Software, Hardware and/or Silicon Valley Entities, and the people underlying the WordPress Corporation named Automattic.

I wish to Deeply Thank You All! for what you have done—>

And have done for so long and in so many ways—>

(1) To Help me personally (you quite literally may have saved my life—> assuming that “the Power of the Internet is strong enough”),

(2) To Help my heroic WordPress PATRIOT MOVEMENT Website Development Team (you may be saving their lives as well),

(3) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Mental And Degenerative Illnesses; Cures that Did Not Exist Before,

(4) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Cases Involving Bone, Joint, Muscular, and Wound Healing.

(5) To Help my Alternative Medical Discoveries and a Key Co-Discovery (Willy’s Baggie) In Regard to Many, If Not Virtually All Cases Involving Addiction of any sort (only tobacco still has me puzzled).

(6) To Help my Alternative Medical Suppression By the Federal Government a) Knowledge and b) Discovery,

7) To Help my Energy Invention Suppression Knowledge (things I learned from Gary Vesperman and other persons as well),

8) To Help my Patriot Movement Educational Efforts to foster a Justifiable Revolution in America (and Foster Justifiable Revolution Worldwide as well) via the Internet.

9) To Help My Efforts to Spark Some Silicon Valley Corporation to Bravely Step Up to the Plate, and either Sponsor or Co-sponsor (with many co-sponsors perhaps) a Worldwide Internet Woodstock Event called either iWOODSTOCK—>



10) To Help by Providing Enough Internet Witnesses such that I can sit down with the American Mafia in NYC and bargain soon from the Standpoint of “Equal Strength”, and not Weakness.  

Without Your Help, my Many Alternative Medical Discoveries, my MAJOR Alternative Medicine CO-DISCOVERY (along with my son Willy), my Revolutionary WordPress Work and—>

My life—>

Would likely have been in vain. 

Mark Jaquith of Covered Web Services is one of the persons that I Owe So Much To.

Thank You Mark!

I love you and will stand by you for what you have done to help me for the rest of my life.

The Anonymous Heroic San Francisco WordPress Website Developers who first stood up for me despite the great Personal Risks involved know who you are. (I love you and will stand by you for what you have done to help me for the rest of my life as well.)

I wish to Thank YOU ALL Deeply and in a very heartfelt way!

Thank You So Much!!!

Thank You So VERY MUCH!!!

For Heroically Joining and Supporting from afar my WordPress Website Development efforts on April 9, 2012!

And THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting MY efforts over the Internet ever since!!!!!

(((I Love You All!)))

Allen D


Mark J 

With Our Deeply Appreciated Help From GoogleFacebookTwitterthe People Underlying WordPress 

And Our Deeply Appreciated and Quite Heroic Help from—>

Our San Francisco Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth!


Are Patriot Movement, Alternative Medical Truth, Energy Invention Truth, and 9/11 Truth Internet Revolutionaries!


Internet Educational Course Development
WordPress Website Revolutionaries!
 as well.

We Won’t Take U.S. Government Lies and their Federal Government Suppression of Truth for an answer any more! 

It Is About Time For The Truth To Set Our Fellow Americans and the Rest Of Humanity Free!


Some Related WordPress Blogs—>

1) About Allen D


2) From YouTube; 2013 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth


3) Longstanding United States Federal Government Suppression of Energy Inventions (10-22-2013)


4) An Internet Based Federal Government Should Have Eight Presidents Rather Than One


5) Internet Woodstock Thinking On April 9 2012


6) Will The American Public Win The Race Against Big Pharma? (3-30-2011)


I survived a four day long murder attempt by the Mafia in Phoenix AZ soon after this blog was written.

7) Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me (Timeless> A WordPress Blog That *Tells My Alt Med Heart*)


I survived a four day long murder attempt by the Mafia in Phoenix AZ soon after this blog was written.

8) Why I Feel Comfortable Stating The Need For Revolution


9) Obamacare Should Cause A Second Revolution In America (10-30-2013)


10) Some Interesting Facts and Figures Regarding Health Care and Energy Costs (10-22-2011)


11) Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-17-2010)


12) The FDA Will Mandate That Mental Illness Cannot Be Cured (9-19-2011)


13) The Gist of Nutrientscure.WordPress.Com As of July 12th 2010


14) Willy Darman’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless>>> (8-24-2011)


15) Seven Persons That Redefined Healing For The World (11-4-2010)


16) Alarm!!! Beware of that New Internet Security Center Opening In Utah in 2013


17) About Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team


18) The 1st Internet World War Has Begun!


19) The Power Of A Free And Open Internet Is Going To Soon Bury The U.S. Federal Government With The Truth!


20) 21 Revolution Educational Websites For The Patriot Movement In America


21) Allen D Is Looking Forward To November 7th; He Hopes The Mafia Shows Up


>Perhaps More Links Coming from NYC in November if “the Mafia wishes to to Finally Ally With and Support “My Save America and the World Efforts”.

>Or perhaps sometime in November some heroic people in Silicon Valley will provide me with “A Roof Over My Head” in the San Francisco Bay Area in Order to “WordPress Collaborate” and—>

“Think Collaborate” in regard to “How can we best save America?” from the dire course that it is on—>

A course “that Dooms American Health, Wealth and Freedom”.

>Or Perhaps Neither the American Mafia or Silicon Valley will extend a hand to me to November.  If this is the case, I will simply Continue to Develop on a Daily Basis 19 WordPress Websites and 2 dot com Websites (whose goal is to Foster a Justifiable Patriot Movement Revolution in the United States) from “right where I am”, which is 201 Hollywood Ave. in Albany NY 12209


Notable Quotes by Allen D

2012 was not the End of the World! It was the Turning Point Worldwide in regard to the End of Lies!

Many Patriot Movement And Silicon Valley Heroes Are Rising To The Cause In America!!! The Bad Guys Don’t Stand A Chance! 

The American Mafia Is Even Rising To The Cause In America! Or so it sure seems! (I hope to find out one way or another where the Mafia stands in early November 2013.) This Respected Organization Represents >>>The Key That Is Needed To Save America<<< From The Disastrous Fiscal Course It Is On Now.

Before We Fix Things in America, Hard Times are inevitably going to come upon us. We need to anticipate the some of the specifics of these hard times, and come up with a plan to defuse or mitigate them. Some Examples are>>> What if they shut down the Internet???, or if they shut down Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, etc. All At The Same Time??? Or what if the Grocery Stores ran out of food??? Or if the Banks ran out of money??? What if the Electrical Grid Shut Down In Much Or Most Of The U.S., to include “where you live”. What if the water supply of the plumbing in your house and your city ran dry, and nothing came out of your faucets? What if the United States Government Declared Martial Law Nationwide? Think things out, and then Prepare for the Very Worst Case Scenario as quickly and WISELY AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN, STARTING WITH STORING A MONTH’S WORTH OF WATER FOR EVERYONE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD AS SOON AS YOU CAN.

A New Day Is Coming To America—> Click on the Picture to find out—>


Some Final Notes:

Any portion of this landmark WordPress blog, or this blog in its entirety, can be used, copied, reprinted, reposted, put on Websites of any sort, or put anywhere on the Internet by any person or party that desires. This material may be used in any manner that the reader wishes. It is not copyrighted by me in any way. Allen Darman


Four Revolution Websites Of Allen Darman’s WordPress Collaborative Team (6-29-2013)

Four Revolution Websites Of Allen Darman’s WordPress Collaborative Team (6-29-2013)

29 Jun

These Four Revolution Websites are as follows…



http://JustifiableCivilDisobedience.WordPress.com (This is actually a Civil Disobedience Website.  It is not actually Revolutionary, but it sure is related to such.)

The Revolutionary Website of July4thRevolution.WordPress.com was the first one started (in April 2012), and it has the most blogs by far. However, it is an Organizational Mess. One reason for this mess is that the Mafia repeatedly attempted to kill Allen Darman in 2012. Allen blogged when he could. However, he was on the run much of the time. This situation of Allen being on the run is still true today.

Allen Darman is likely to be killed by the Mafia in 2013, simply for Blogging Alternative Medical Discovery and Energy Invention Suppression Truth.

Allen’s Only Wish is that he does not die in vain. Hopefully some persons with the Power to Effect Real Change heard what he had to say, and heard before it is too late (due to coming Federal Government Censorship and Suppression of Truth on the Internet).

Allen Darman (with help from his heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

Tagged: 2nd American Revolution, 2nd civil war, 2nd revolutionary war, revolution websites, revolutionary websites, second American Revolution, second civil war, United States Government Internet Censorship, WordPress, WordPress censorship

Our WP Team Of 4′s Facebook-Twitter-Google+ YouTube Instagram Intro

Our WP Team Of 4′s Facebook-Twitter-Google+ YouTube Instagram Intro


This **WordPress Collaborative Team** Introductory WordPress Blog Also Has A Full Descriptive Title as follows>>>

Our Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team’s Facebook-Twitter-Google+ YouTube Instagram Introduction

>>Other than the Title<< these 2 WordPress blogs Are

>>>Virtually Interchangeable.<<<


Hi! How Are You Today?

Please Allow Me 2 Introduce Myself…

Photo on 3-15-13 at 5.58 PM #2

My name is Allen Darman.

I am an Old Hippie that Went to the Original Woodstock in ’69…


I am a Truth Soldier for God.

I am also the Leader of a Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team that is pumping out Websites, Web Pages, and WordPress Blogs as fast as we can in an effort to help the brewing Justifiable Revolution here in the United States (and Worldwide as well!). My other names on the Internet are Nutrientscure, AllenD, SmokeMasterAllenD, AllenDee, and SmokemasterAllenDee… lol

420Preface 4 those that do!>>>For All My 420Friends… (single females preferred…lol)

Puff Puff Pass! Have a hit with me over the net in video!… it’s Fun! lol
See this link 4 More!>>>http://wp.me/P33G2Z-el

Jimi Hendrix on stage! Woodstock ’69        Jimi Hendrix 420 chillin’

A) About AllenD and his Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team (3-18-2013)


B) A WordPress Song Blog; AllenD’s Five Dreams (3-18-2013)


C) Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me (3-30-2011)
Posted on April 6, 2013 by 



D) Our Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites (and we have many more) (3-17-2013)

Tweetable Link 4 Our WordPress Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites>>>http://wp.me/P33G2Z-lC

Web Page Address Link 4 Our Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites>>>http://sweetsixteenwebsites.wordpress.com/our-magnificent-seven-websites/

The Seven WordPress Websites Reflected Below are All **420Creations** of
Allen Dee and his Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

Our WordPress Collaborative Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites are as follows… all of the Images are “Clickable”.

  • 1) iROCK4FREEDOM the 1st Internet Woodstock!


  • 2) A 420Management Website titled



  • 3) Presidential Roundtable Internet Government (e-government) Website


  • 4) A Suppression of Truth Website


  • 5) Willy Darman’s Co-Discovery Website


  • 6) A Justifiable Civil Disobedience Website


  • 7) Our July4thRevolution WordPress Website



Notable Quotes

Our Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team is Going to Start the 1st Internet Woodstock called iROCK4FREEDOM! or we are going to die trying! That’s No Lie!AllenD and His Heroic San Francisco and Florida WordPress Collaborative Internet Team!

If the writing is honest it cannot be separated from the man who wrote it.Tennessee Williams

I think before and during the time that I am writing.  When I think, I use this Incredible Organ called a Human Brain. Even if there are Aliens out there somewhere (or here already, as may very well be the case), there is Nothing Quite the Same as the Human Brain in the Universe. I know that many people say that “There is Not a God!”, but when I ponder all of the human brain’s and the human body’s complexities, I sure as heck know that there is Something Out There on a higher level than us!  When it was made the Earth was just some molten Star Material that got thrown off and eventually became this Round Ball we call the planet Earth.  Out of this molten rock thrown off from our sun when it was born “We have a human brain!” and “We have a human body” and “We have all the other trees, plants, animals, fishes, and mammals with a body and a brain 2!”. Who designed all this stuff? Who or what made this all happen? from “some cooled off molten rock that simply missed being made into our sun”? And who made all of the other Stars and Planets in the Universe? and all the Other Life out there too far away from us to see its mathematically certain existence? Who makes the Earth go around the sun, staying at just the right distance? In my mind, there is a God! There has to be! This God, God/Nature if you will, Made My Brain and my Body! and He or She told me to Use Them! And Use Them Wisely! And this God/Nature told me that “when I write” I should be Honest, as Honest as I can possibly be! I have no problems whatsoever being honest when I write, 4 I am a Creation of God/Nature just as you are don’t u see? If not, perhaps your Natural/Conscience will eventually let u know who you really are. It helps if “You Just Look at Yourself” in the mirror in the morning for a little while and Look Straight into Your Own Eyes.

God/Nature will talk 2 u! Just listen.  AllenD

The Fate of both America and the World may very well hinge on a Corporate Entity called Google… for this Influential Corporation is Perhaps the Only One in the World that has Both the Power and the Means to Actually Change Things in Timeassuming that they take the reins to do so in their hands and use these reins for the Betterment of All Humanity. AllenD

There is no doubt in my mind that Google, the Mafia, my WordPress Team, and some other Smart People working in Respectful Collaboration with Each Other represent “the Very Best Chance 2 Save both America and the World” that we have got. AllenD

Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own. Carol Burnett

Words, once they are put on the Internet using WordPress, have the ability to go throughout America and around the World… at least until the “Ministry of Truth” United States Federal Government Censors take over a matter of months from now. AllenD

Old School Military Strategy says “Kill the Leaders First”.  The World of the Internet has Changed This!  I will give you one example here… me!  There are a lot of Very Smart and Quite Wealthy People in the Internet, Computer, and Computer Software Industry that are Following My Heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team’s Blogging on the Internet.  Many of these People Have Leadership Skills and Are Extremely Capable People.  All they need is perhaps a bit More Motivation In Which To Act En Masse Against the Powers that Be.  Whatever I know that “Will Hurt the Powers that Be” is Already On the Internet. Taking Me Out is Using Old School Military Strategyand it is likely to Backfire because of All Those Wealthy And Very Smart People (Smarter than I) that Will Replace Me! The Internet Changed Many Things, as Far As War Strategy Goes.  The Internet is far better than “Propaganda Leaflets Dropped From the Sky” as Far As Winning the Hearts and Minds of the People Goes.  (The Internet is the Absolute Nuts! in this Regard. There is really no comparison here other than television, which is Corporate Controlled.) AllenD

I am a drinker with writing problems. Brendan Behan

I am a writer that likes to Smoke Lots of a Natural/Green/Plant made by God/Nature! called pot…puff puff pass! I’d be quite pleased if ya do! lol AllenD

I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done.Steven Wright

I’m writing a book too! Thank God I have Two 420Submissive Angels in San Francisco To Do the Page Numbers For ME! SmokeMasterAllenD!  I’ll just keep ‘em Stoned Enough to Always Be Obedient To Me, But Not Too Stoned Such That They Cannot Function, and Function Very WordPress Well!!! AllenD

I am gonna Work ‘em my Two WordPress Slaves to Death, and then Get Them Too Stoned to Work, and Send Them To Bed With Each Other! (with some 420Smoking Orders 2 take with them… and Hope that They Video Things for My Viewing The Next Day!… The Heck with Hope!, I’ll Order ‘em 2! lol).

If I make it Alive to San Francisco, I’ve Got Two WordPress 420Serf Bears, I Only Need One More as per>>>

Zoosk Intro

Posted on April 6, 2013 by 


SweetSixteenWebsites Zoosk Intro>>>http://sweetsixteenwebsites.wordpress.com/2013/04/06/zoosk-intro/


Tagged: 1st internet woodstock2nd American Revolution2nd civil waradam tromblyAllen Darmanalternative medical suppressionamtrak,assassinateBig Pharmacovered web servicescrush big pharmae-governmenteight presidents roundtableenergy invention suppressionFacebookFederal Governmentfederal government internet censorshipfinancial trigger,first internet woodstockGary VespermanGoogleInternet CensorshipInternet Freedom,Internet Freedom in AmericaInternet Freedom In America 2013internet martyrinternet martyrdominternet woodstockiROCK4FREEDOM,iwoodstockkillLesbianlesbian 420submissiveslesbian 420subs,lesbian heroesMafiaMark Jmartyr,murdermurderedNDAApresidential roundtable,roundtableinternetgovernment.wordpress.comSan Franciscosecond American Revolutionsecond civil warThe Financial Trigger To Crush Big Pharma Is In Place (2010)train,Twitterunited states federal governmentUnited States Government Internet Censorship,WordPresswordpress collaborative internet teamwordpress collaborative team


iROCK4FREEDOM WordPress Blog Web Address>>>http://irock4freedom.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/our-wp-team-of-4s-facebook-twitter-google-youtube-instagram-intro/


Why SmokeMasterAllenD Needs Two Lesbian 420Submissive WordPress Slaves!


Why SmokeMasterAllenD Needs Two Lesbian 420Submissive WordPress Slaves!



Regardless of what may happen on the train to San Francisco between April 9th and April 12th, and Regardless of Whether I get picked up in Emeryville if I make it there Alive, and Regardless of “Who You Folks Actually Are” that have been helping me with WordPress from the San Francisco area since early April of 2012, I want you to know that “I love you” for heroically stepping in to try to help me be heard on the Internet before I am killed by the Mafia or by the Feds or by whomever. This same goes for Mark J in Florida.  You are all heroes whom are deeply loved by me. Allen Darman


I need a few obedient WordPress Slaves, the More Obedient the Better!

No one person on their own would have enough time to juggle dozens of the following Revolutionary WordPress Websites that are all Under Construction at once>>>Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team’s Entire WordPress Website List As Of March 20 2013 is as follows:

Our WordPress Collaborative Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites are as follows… all of the Images are “Clickable”.

    • 1) iROCK4FREEDOM the 1st Internet Woodstock!


    • 2) Our latest Management Website titled



    • 3) Eight Presidents Round Table Internet Government Website


    • 4) A Suppression of Truth WordPress Website


    • 5) An Alternative Medical Discovery WordPress Website


    • 6) A Justifiable Civil Disobedience Website


    • 7) Our July 4th Revolution WordPress Website


We are working on far more than Seven Websites… at least a few dozen of the below have value and need a lot of work.


If my Slaves are Not Obedient Enough 4 ME, I am just gonna smoke ‘em up more AND MORE! until they are VERY OBEDIENT TO ME! I like to Keep My WordPress Slaves Very Submissive!, Very Obedient!! and Very Stoned!!!>>>at all times! when they are working… and I am gonna make ‘em work a REAL LOT!<<<


Notable Quotes

The first step in blogging is not writing them but reading them. Jeff Jarvis

The desire to write grows with writing. Desiderius Erasmus

My desire to write grows when I am working as a member of a WordPress Collaborative Team! rather than working alone. Allen Dee

My desire to write grows even more when I’m stoned! SmokeMasterAllenDee

My desire to write would grow even more if I lived in a household in the San Francisco area that was psychologically and otherwise supportive of a WordPress Activist like me! Who will have me come this April after I wrap up things here in Albany New York? I bring love, laughter, willing hands, a self supporting SSD income, and a good heart wherever I go! and a promise to quit the cigarettes and/or smoke outside until I do! Allen Darman


A Related Blog: 

Do not read any further if sexual content is not your flavor!

420AdultXXX About

Warning! Adult420XXX Material With Love Attached! (12-10-2012)



Why I Feel Comfortable Stating The Need For Revolution (4-2-2013)


Why I Feel Comfortable Stating The Need For Revolution (4-2-2013)

Posted on April 3, 2013 by 

Preface dated April 3, 2013:

Don’t be surprised if you get a “Nothing Found Error” clicking on one of the Links shown Above. Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team (or just WordPress Collaborative Team or even WordPress Team, these all mean the same thing to those members of my Team)>>>IS LOSING BLOG AFTER BLOG to either Censorship Completely or Damaging Corruption.  This is Coming From UNITED STATES Federal Government hackers or Mafia hackers it seems. The prior statements have been true since December 17, 2012 when blog removal for us as a WordPress Team began.  Multiple parties in various locations (at least three, in FL, CA, and NY) around the country Witnessed this Hacker Interference Problem when the ***KEY*** December 11th 2012 “Notable Quotes blog” onhttp://ideasforinternetgovernment.wordpress.com/2013/01/02/some-notable-quotes-by-allen-darman-and-his-brave-wordpress-website-development-team-12-11-12/ Simply Disappeared OFF OF THIS PARTICULAR ONE OF OUR TEAM’S MANY WordPress WEBSITES!!! Then lots of things began to disappear or become corrupted in a damaging way ON A NUMBER OF OUR WordPress WEBSITES!!! We JUST LOST ANOTHER ENTIRE BLOG YESTERDAY OR SO!!! This stuff, blog removalis STILL GOING ON TODAY! Almost four months ofthis Federal or Mafia Hacker Interference of our Blogs on Various WordPress Websites of ours! I, Allen Darman, am NOT the Only Internet Eyewitness to this stuff.  There are at least four of uswatching this “Blog Disappearance with No Reasonable Explanation For It But Hacking” happen, and at least three of us are WordPress Experts… and I am no slouch either.

Since the material below was written on January 19, 2012 I have survived Numerous Additional Attempts by the Mafia to take my life. The first of these occurred in late February 2012, a little over a month after the material below was written on January 19, 2012. The gist of this attempt is as follows: I was living in Rooming House on Columbia Street in Utica New York in a small seven by nine foot room from September 1st of 2011 until the end of February 2012. Eventually the Mafia was successful in pressuring one of my roommates to allow them into the room next to me. From this room they injected poison gas into my room twice, and killed every cockroach in my cockroach infested room on two nights. I survived by using duct tape to seal up the walls, and by building a tent under the window, such that I was able to breath fresh air while I slept. When these two poison gas attacks were not successful, they put a gun in the back of another roommate of mine and had him knock on my door to gain entry. I knew something was fishy, and I would not open my boarded up and barred door. (There is a Nutrientscure.WordPress.com blog record of these attempts on my life in late February 2012, unless Mafia or Federal Government hackers erase it as they have erased many of my blogs.) Then in May of 2012 I got on a train to go to San Francisco in an attempt to connect with those helping me, but for one reason or another no connection was made. I ended up homeless in Omaha Nebraska, Council Bluffs Iowa, and Des Moines Iowa for about five months. There were so many attempts on my life during this time, it would take a book to delineate them all. The Mafia was successful in poisoning me in all three locations, but I did not take in enough poison to die. I was literally chased in Des Moines Iowa by two pickup trucks with large boxes in their beds, boxes large enough to easily hold a human being sight unseen. I talked to Mafia members numerous times in three of the homeless shelters that I stayed at, trying to tell them that I am not the Mafia’s enemy. I repeatedly told the Mafia that however many billions of dollars that they are making from being in bed with Big Pharma is revenue that can be replaced. Apparently, the price on my head must be enormous, for no matter what I said, the Mafia kept trying to kill me. I sincerely hope that they have changed their mind in this regard, but I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE OF THIS. America needs to find a way to Save its Heroes because Our Federal Government is sure not going to do this. I will be dead and buried long before our Federal Government intervenes in my behalf against the Mafia. Allen Darman

Incidentally, Google, WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, Jim Humble of MMS Fame, Lesley Carter a Power Blogger on WordPress, Dennis Spain who wrote “The Mind of God”, Adam Trombly of Energy Invention Suppression Fame, Gary Vesperman of Energy Invention Suppression Fame, Tom O’Brien a Good Friend of Gary Vesperman’s, Samantha Adams of Revolutionary Internet Fame, Tom Howard an Old Friend from Australia, at least some of my Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkIn Friends, Anthony Stephan of “Truehope”, David Oaks of MindFreedom Mental Health Activism Fame, Will Hall of Mental Health Activism Fame, and *possibly* Nancy Mullan, M.D., Hyla Cass, M.D., Dan Stradford of SafeHarbor Fame, Dan Fisher, M.D. of the National Empowerment Center, the National Health Federation, Dean Garrison of Patriotic Viral Blogger Fame, Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com and Internet Fame, Evelyn Pringle a Great Alt News Author!, and God knows who else now (please do not feel slighted if I did not name you, there are so many)is Watching Out 4 Both My Life and the Lives of My WordPress Collaborative Team Members now. A musician named Peter Love out of Chicago should be in this group, but hackers “Deaden My Connect Button on LinkIn” so we cannot connect on LinkedIn (it is the same for two other persons on LinkedIn, Dan Kukulka, and Monica Dietz both have “Dead Connect Buttons”).  Peter Love is a longstanding Good Friend of mine from a Yahoo Group called SafeHarbor2 who is Important (that is why we are being blocked on LinkedIn).  Of all of these parties mentioned, Google and WordPress tower above the rest, with the exceptions of Facebook, Google+, and Twitter which are All Very Important too.

Thank God for the Internet, Computer, and Computer Software Industries in the United States, and Thank God for a Free and Open Internet (with some hacker induced exceptions… lol).

My Murder on the train to San Francisco next week, should it happen to occur, will Inevitably Become One of the Most Publicly Witnessed Executions in history due to the Power of the Internet is about all I have to say.  Allen Darman

[End of the Preface dated April 3, 2013. The balance of the written material in this blog until it is Signed by Myself and my WordPress Team was written over a year ago on January 19, 2012 (when I was blogging by myself without a heroic WordPress Team! to help me).]

Year of the Patriot 2013 Like/Share --> http://on.fb.me/Wpqkjc

Dear Fellow Americans:

When a man has nothing to lose, it is easy to state the Truth.

I have nothing to lose as per the below.

I have had an open and unfulfilled contract on my life ever since what is apparently the Mafia first tried to kill me on January 6, 2010.

This first attempt was a result of my succeeding to promote the idea of the therapeutic validity and the therapeutic power of my son Willy’s Baggie Idea at a “War Council Meeting” put on by Dr. Rima Laibow of the Natural Solutions Foundation on January second and third of 2010.

I had brought about thirty packages of literature to the above meeting. These packages included over twenty blogs I had written in regard to how to overcome depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia naturally. They also included a color “before and after picture” of my son Willy between ten and a half and seventeen and a half years of age.

Shortly after this War Council Meeting was over, there was a three way email conversation between Dr. Laibow, a conventional medical doctor that “was going alternative”, and myself.

As soon as the conventional medical doctor (from Manhattan) expressed a willingness to consider before and after video testimony from his patients that were depressed and willing to try Willy’s Baggie approach, I knew that I should immediately leave the motel in Atlantic City that I was emailing from.

I knew the above because I knew that Big Pharma was monitoring *Everything* being written on my laptop, and they could not let the above occur. Why could they not let the above occur? Because *Before and After Video Testimony* of a Willy’s Baggie approach on depression would soon cost Big Pharma hundreds of billions in lost Stock Value due to the Power of the Internet in regard to spreading the Truth.

As much as I knew that I should immediately leave the motel I was in, I took a chance and booked one more night. This was a big mistake, as two men were sent to kill me.

[Incidentally, I lost all respect and trust for Dr. Rima Laibow of the Natural Solutions Foundation after this first attempt on my life. She was fully aware of what went on here, and did not say a single word about such in her NSF newsletter. Either she is a Coward, or she represents “controlled opposition” that sucks Health Freedom dollars from the masses such that these funds do no real good. I suspect the latter.]

Let’s Fast Forward to the end of May 2010. At this point I had been in what I call a “Bunker Apartment” in Utica, NY for about two months, when I decided to tell the Truth in a big way again.

On May 21, 2010 I wrote a Socially Significant Blog on Bob Beck titled “A Tribute to Bob Beck; a World Class Healer” (5-21-2010). In this blog I stated that the cure to all mental illnesses had finally been found. I knew when I stated this that Big Pharma was reading it, and that they would take action against me soon.

Boy was I right. Within forty eight hours a team involving three cars and six men arrived, and I became the most popular man in the building for well over a week. From hardly anyone ever coming to see me for months, I had knocks on my 14th floor door day and night, and all kinds of persons I did not know tried to get me to open the door. Even Maintenance Staff I did not call tried to get in to see me. If I had made one mistake in this regard (opening my door to the wrong person), I would now be dead.

In this first bunker apartment I wrote a number of very significant blogs. A handful were written over the summer. Then on October 12, 2010 I finally *came out of the closet* and slammed Big Pharma with the Truth as much as I possibly could for almost a month. (If anyone wishes to really get to know me and what I am trying to say, it is worth looking at the prolific blogging cycle that I had between October 12, 2010 and November 5th or 6th, 2010.)

Let’s Fast Forward to late March and early April of 2011, about ten months ago. At this point I am in my second bunker apartment in Phoenix, AZ. (Pictures of all three bunker apartments I have had are on my Facebook account.) At this point I know that there is an open and unfulfilled contract on my life, and that those trying to kill me will keep trying until they succeed.

About three days after I wrote a blog in Phoenix titled “Will the American Public Win the Race Against Big Pharma?” on March 28, 2010 there was a third attempt on my life. The bad guys had rented the apartment upstairs. They broke through the floor, taped up some sort of apparatus, and tried to poison gas me through the vent system on Friday night, Saturday night, and Monday night. On Sunday afternoon and Sunday night I was on the street and on the run with a helicopter trying to find me. It is *Close To a Miracle* that I survived the first five days of April 2011, and made it out of Phoenix alive.

For those that do not believe what I am stating in the above, there is a blog record of all of this on this Nutrientscure WordPress site. All one has to do is go into the archives for early April 2011. (There is no way I made this stuff up, or it is the result of paranoia or delusion. I underwent three psychiatric evaluations in Phoenix within a matter of days, and all three teams believed me and what I was saying.)

When I returned to Utica, NY by plane in early April 2011, I had no idea where to go for protection. The Phoenix Police had been More Than Useless to me in April, and I knew the Utica Police would be the same.

So I checked into a Psych Ward without having *Any Psychiatric Needs Whatsoever* to try to buy some time. Another Big Mistake. At least eight persons of Italian descent checked in after me, and I was assaulted with (1) contact poison sprayed on many surfaces I came in contact with (it stung), (2) poison heavily sprayed in my sneakers, (3) poison gas from the vent in my room and elsewhere in the ward, and (4) ingested poison from doctored meds as well.

This Mission Impossible Like attempt to kill me in a hospital setting nearly succeeded as well. Two nights in a row in April I laid down at night not expecting to get up in the Morning. (I am still amazed that I made it out of the hospital alive.)

The above makes *four assassination episodes so far*, three of which involved multiple individual attempts to kill me, within the past 25 months.

They are trying to kill me because what I have learned, in conjunction with what others know and have taught me, threatens *the Collapse of Pharmaceutical Medicine Worldwide*.

Not Even One Class of Medications Can Survive the Truth of What I Know, or What I Know About What Other Alt Med Persons Know. Trillions are involved here. Make no mistake about this.

As a *Dead Man Still Walking* it is EASY for me to tell the Truth about the Need For Revolution in America.

The NDAA does not scare me at all, as the Mob has sealed my Fate. (They just happen to have not succeeded yet.)

Despite the fact that the NDAA does not scare me, I am not going to make it easy for the Feds to take me away. I am going to practice Civil Disobedience when the Feds come to my door if they get to me before the Mob does, and make them break it down… such that there are witnesses and physical evidence of this event. (I wrote a blog on this not too long ago.)


I have explained in the above why I feel free to Tell the Truth in regard to our Federal Government more so than some other persons. (Most other persons have far more to lose than I do.)

The Truth in regard to our Federal Government is this:

No Federal Election With the System Set Up The Way It Is Now Is Going To Save America.

Anyone that thinks that (1) political organizing to “put the right candidates in office”, (2) the Tea Party, or (3) a man such as Ron Paul winning the Presidency… “can adequately change things in America” is either naive, ill informed, stupid, or delusional.

America needs a whole new System of Government, one that is set up from the very beginning To Lock Out Corporate Control of Its Administration Forever, if at all humanly possible.

Unless America gets the above New Model of Government, It is soon going to become Hell on Earth for those that love Freedom.

And unless America gets the above, I am not going to be the only one Locked Up or Dead. (Many will be Joining me in the FEMA camps it seems.)

We need an *Entire System Change*. Nothing else will do.

Twenty million men should march *Peacefully* to Washington, D.C. in May 2012 and insist on such.

It is Time For Revolution!!! Peaceful Revolution via the Wisdom Of Mahatma Gandhi, if at all possible.

If peaceful means are woefully inadequate to get the Job Done, perhaps simply a massive show of force will do, without using such force (without resorting to any violence).

By massive show of force, I mean that a good portion of these twenty million men show up in Washington, D.C. in May with unloaded guns locked in the trunk of their cars, just in case there becomes a need to take defensive action if force is used against them.

However, the Bottom Line here is that if the two non-violent solutions mentioned above do not work, then it becomes *Revolution By Whatever Means Necessary To Get The Job Done*.

I Pray with All My Heart and Soul that the Third Choice in the copy above IS NOT what is needed in order to (1) get the Corporations to willingly let go of Ruling America (as they are clearly doing now), and (2) let the People Assume Their Democratic Rights and Ruling Power Again.

Allen Darman and his heroic WordPress Collaborative Team


Web Address of the Original Copy of this Blog:



A Related Blog:

Ron Paul Is Not Enough; Twenty Million Men Should March Peacefully To Washington, D.C. In May 2012 To Effect Immediate Regime Change (1-19-2012)



An Important Note: None of my written material is copyrighted in ANY way. I sincerely hope that some of my Facebook and other friends are brave enough to pass this blog around using Facebook, Twitter, StumbleOn, Reddit, Digg, Alternative News Sources, etc. For my Martyrdom to not be a Waste this material may need to be spread all over the Internet before Internet Censorship takes place. Allen Darman 1/19/2012




Our WordPress Collaborative Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites are as follows… all of the Images are “Clickable”.

  • 1) iROCK4FREEDOM the 1st Internet Woodstock!


  • 2) Our latest Management Website titled



  • 3) Presidential Roundtable e-Government Website


  • 4) A Suppression of Truth WordPress Website


  • 5) Willy Darman’s Discovery WordPress Website


  • 6) A Justifiable Civil Disobedience WordPress Website


  • 7) Our July 4th Revolution WordPress Website



Note: This Links Section still needs a little work!>>>Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team’s Top Ten! WordPress Blogs!!!>>>

1) An Internet Based Federal Government *Should Have Eight Presidents* Rather Than One (12-9-2012)

Posted on March 7, 2013 by 
Tweetable Link of the *Eight Presidents WordPress Blog*>>>http://wp.me/p2mA5a-atThe Tweetable Link 4 this >>iRock4FREEDOM! Web Page<<>> 

2) Alarm!!! Beware of that New Internet Security Center Opening In Utah in 2013! (4-9-2012)

Tweetable Link for this SuppressionbyAllenD WordPress Blog>>>http://wp.me/p2ohpp-6N

3) The Blog Federal Government And/Or Mafia Hackers Mess With The Most; The Story of Darman Mfg. Company and Genius (10-13-2010)


Tweetable Link>>>http://wp.me/p2oNvA-42

And of Utmost Importance…

4) Suppression Of Great Truth Is The Norm It Seems (8-30-2010)




5) Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-17-2010)

Tweetable Link of this Historic WordPress Blog>>>http://wp.me/p2ohpp-3a


Alternative medicine has “trumped” conventional drug-oriented medicine on the Internet in the past ten years, as far as the truth is concerned. (See blog for more…)

6) The Gist of Nutrientscure.WordPress.Com As of July 12th 2010 (3-13-2013); A Historic WordPress Repost

Posted on March 13, 2013

Tweetable Link to this historic WillysBaggie.WordPress.com Repost>>>http://wp.me/p2nidU-2T

Full Web Address Link to this iWoodstock.WordPress.com Repost: http://WillysBaggie.WordPress.com/2013/03/13/the-gist-of-nutrientscure-wordpress-com-as-of-july-12th-2010-3-13-2013/ 

***Important Prefacing Notes Dated 1/15/2013:

Nutrientscure.Wordpress.com was Originally a WordPress Website in regard to overcoming mental illness via the use of natural and non-drug means. It was essentially the story of my overcoming over three decades of bipolar symptoms in the late 1990′s, and then teaching my son Willy Darman how to overcome an ADHD diagnosis and bipolar symptoms beginning when he was thirteen years old in 2004.

The Search for a Cure for ADHD and bipolar disorder ended! with my son Willy Darman and I. We Co-Discovered these Cures for the World! (See blog for more…)

7) Germane Words From The Declaration of Independence and Some Reasons Why (10-9-2011)

Posted on March 13, 2013

Tweetable Link>>>http://wp.me/p33G2Z-ha

8) A Complex Battle Between At Least Ten Power Structures Is Now Underway; REVOLUTION SOON Is The American Public’s ONLY CHOICE (1-9-2013)

 Reblogged from July4threvolution: ***Important Prefacing Note Dated January 9, 2013: The Complex Battle Referred to in this Nutrientscure.WordPress.com WordPress Blog Actually Involves Ten Power Structures, Rather Than the Seven or Eight Power Structures that the Title of Previous Versions of this “Complex Battle WordPress Blog” refers to (and the copy below alludes to). Therefore its Title has been changed to “A Complex Battle Between At Least Ten Power Structures Is Now Underway; REVOLUTION SOON Is The American Public’s ONLY CHOICE (1-9-2013)”. In addition to Google seemingly joining My Revolutionary Collaborative Team of Four Heroic WordPress Website Development Specialists (an Event that changed the Original Post of this “Complex Battle WordPress Blog” from Seven to Eight Power Structures), it is *Now Apparent To Me* that both Facebook and WordPress have become Aware Of and Are Supportive Of My WordPress Collaborative Internet Team as well. Facebook and WordPress represent Power Structures #9 and #10. Twitter may also be aware of us and supportive as well. If so, eleven power structures are now involved in this Complex Battle Between “The 99% of Us” and “Those In the Corporate and Governmental World that Continue to Want To Tell Us a Pack of Lies”.Both the United States of America and the World Stand At A Very Major Crossroad In Human History, if Not the Penultimate One.The Growth and Development of the Internet has Awakened Millions of Persons Around the World to the Fact We the General Public Are Being Told A Myriad of Lies, or Lies of Omission, by Numerous Corporations, Numerous Industries, and Numerous State and Federal Governments, to include our own Federal Government here in the United States.The Exposure of a Number of Lies By the Powers That Be via an Open and Free Internet will Inevitably Breed Justifiable Revolution, both here in the United States and Worldwide.

There is a Major Movement Underway by the Powers that Be to Curtail Internet Freedom, and To Silence By Secretive Murder Some of the Leading Internet Revolutionaries. (EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of My WordPress Collaborative Internet Team is Under the Threat of Either Imprisonment or Death at the Moment. Three Out Of Four Of Us Have Had To Survive Multiple Attempts To Murder Us. In regard to two of these three persons, the multiple murder attempts were quite recent.)

Although Some Of Us May Be Killed Fighting For Internet Freedom and Freedom In General, It Is My Firm Belief that the Truth Will Inevitably Win Out Over the Lies.

There is No Stopping the Truth Now!

For All Those That Wish To Stop the Truth From Reaching The Light Of Day,
all that I have to say to you is “It Is Simply Too Late!”.

Thank WordPress, Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, 2 Lesbian 420sub Heroes in San Francisco, Mark in Florida, Jim Humble, my Father and my Mother, and God!

Allen Darman and his heroic WordPress Collaborative Team!

 [end of prefacing note]

The Power Structures in this Complex Battle that My Revolutionary Collaborative Internet Team’s WordPress Website Development and WordPress Blogging Initiated are as Follows…

 Power Structure Number One… the Corporations.

The Corporations ARE THE BIG EVIL HERE. They have Control of Governments Worldwide via the Methodologies of Bribing Politicians, Bribing Main Stream Media, and Employing the Mafia to Use Force (and to Kill When Necessary).

Power Structure Number Two… Federal Governments Worldwide… to Include our own Federal Government Of Course…

Read more… 301 more words

9) It Is Time 4 US Patriots 2 Take America Back! (3-25-2013)

Posted on March 25, 2013

Tweetable Link>>>http://wp.me/p33G2Z-pz

Give Me Liberty! Or Give Me Death!

9 again from our July4thRevolution WordPress Website) It Is Time 4 US Patriots 2 Take America Back! (3-25-2013)



Year of the Patriot 2013 Like/Share --> http://on.fb.me/Wpqkjc

10) The Financial Trigger To Crush Big Pharma Is In Place (2010)

Tweetable Link>>>http://wp.me/p2mHcn-3F

Full Web Address Link>>> http://checkmatethefedsaredone.wordpress.com/2013/03/04/the-financial-trigger-to-crush-big-pharma-is-in-place-2010/


Notable Quotes

Live Free Or Die!

New Hampshire License Plate

The best time for planning a book is while you’re doing the dishes.Agatha Christie

The best time for planning a Revolution is when you are Smoking a Bong and Blogging on WordPress in the middle of the night!420SmokeMasterAllenD

As Many Times as the Mafia has tried to kill me in the past three years to ***Stop the Truth from Coming Out***, it is a Miracle that I remained Alive long enough to write this WordPress piece of work in Collaboration with my heroic WordPress Internet Team! AllenD

Our Federal Government Internet Witnessed Dozens of These Murder Attempts and yet did nothing to help me! An eyewitness to an Attempted Murder that does nothing is an Attempted Murderer too! An eyewitness to an Actual Murder that does nothing often justifiably goes to prison for the same amount of time as the murderer does! AllenD

Writing is a struggle against silence. Carlos Fuentes

Writing to me is simply thinking through my fingers. Isaac Asimov

Think First! before you put your mouth, your fingers, or your keyboard in gear! AllenD

Eighty Five Percent of “Me” is *My Extraordinary Parents Arthur and Marion Darman*. I am only Fifteen Percent of “Me”. AllenD

Easy reading is damn hard writing.Nathaniel Hawthorne

Damn hard writing is Easy! when using WordPress Because It Is So Easy To Make Changes later! AllenD

Be obscure clearly. E.B. White

Be Clear Obscurely! Puff Puff Pass! I’m Stoned! AllenD

Every writer I know has trouble writing. Joseph Heller

My Son Willy Darman and I Co-discovered the Cure For Writer’s Block in 2004! I’m a dummy! I did not realize this until two years later! AllenD

I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done.Steven Wright

I’m writing a book. Thank God I have 2 Lesbian 420sub Angels! 2 do the page numbers 4 Me after I get them Real Stoned! on their knees! in front of me! SmokeMasterAllenD

There is creative reading as well as creative writing.Ralph Waldo Emerson

I loved words. I love to sing them and speak them and even now, I must admit, I have fallen into the joy of writing them.Anne Rice

I loved words as well. I could not say the Above Quote better than Anne Rice did! It’s my Great Pleasure! to share the Joy of writing words with You! Anne Rice! Do you by Any Chance! happen 2 be still alive, single, about my age (60), and like to write and smoke pot? or are willing to try it? I’m in love! if U are all these things! Let’s have some Great Fun! toes to toes… each on our own computer… writing the Truth for America and the World while we are stoned! I’ll light ya up and make you smoke 4 me if you like! Or we can just smoke together! Or u can light me up sometimes while on my knees in front of u in your swivel chair!… I am sure gonna make u do this 4 me! on a more than daily basis! lol We’ll have a ball being WordPress Activists 4 the Truth! 4 both America and the World!… We will laugh our asses off stoned and WordPress busy all night! and sleep til past noon!… Then it’s 4:20 time… After dinnertime (which is breakfast or lunch 4 us… lol)… with the munchies lol… and perhaps I give u a back rub and a kiss or five…  Next is we’ll glue ourselves to our chairs in front of our iMacs…  Perhaps we’ll have a hit or two knees close together on our rolling swivel comfy office chair first if need be… and then We Will Massively Change both America and the World 4 the Better with WordPress! while content and well roasted… lol… and laughing a lot!… this I promise you!!! 4 Sure!!! as long as I or We continue to remain Alive… Amen. AllenD

The only reason for being a professional writer is that you can’t help it.Leo Rosten

I’m No Professional Writer! I hack at it! Thank God I have two Professional Lesbian 420Sub WordPress Angels to edit me and back me up!
They make me Look Professional! I would be nothing without the two of them! typed with tears in my eyes. Allen Darman aka 420SmokeMasterAllenD!

I Welcome Your Feedback! Please Leave a Reply! I promise U I will read it! and consider it carefully! if I can find the time! AllenD


This same material is both a WordPress Blog and a WordPress Web Page on the following WordPress Websites (and perhaps a few more) of my WordPress Collaborative Team’s. Below is a List of Blog Web Addresses and their Tweetable Links (if these Links don’t work, hackers got to them):


















A Final Note: There is a high possibility of me being kidnapped or dying at the hands of either the Mafia or the Feds on the train between April 9th and April 12th. I know that there are a lot of Smart People in the Internet Industry and the Computer Software Industry witnessing this. If I do not arrive on Friday in Emeryville when the train pulls in, even if you do not intend to help me someone should show up in an anonymous fashion to witness the fact that I did or did not get off the train, and hang around the station for perhaps an hour or so “hoping to get picked up”. It is wise for you to know if “the Mafia or the Feds got me enroute” such that You Can Then Take Appropriate Action (and get going on Planning and Executing a Multi-Location Internet Woodstock Event Worldwide!!!). Incidentally, I probably will be out of contact while on the train, for my Smart Phone is dead as far as WordPress and other communication means via the Internet goes. I may actually arrive in Emeryville. Who knows? God is in this picture and no one wants to make a Martyr out of Me (they may wait until they can kill me later in a sneaky way). AllenD

A Must Read Article By Dave Hodges With Commentary By Allen Darman (4-2-2013)


The Must Read Article that follows is by Dave Hodges. My commentary is below. AllenD

The Three Stages of a Revolution

by Dave Hodges –  thecommonsenseshow.com

revolution 4Many believe that America is plunging head first into a civil war with the forces of the New World Order which have hijacked our government. Trust me, nobody reading these words wants live through the times that the globalists have planned for us and if you listen to people who advocate for a civil war, you need your head examined.

Part one of this series detailed how the economy is collapsing due the failure of the Petrodollar. The resulting instability will provide the pretext to institute a series of false flag attacks which will provide the federal government with a preemptive opportunity to impose one of the most draconian forms of martial law that the world has ever seen. There is a chance that the American people will shed their shackles and finally rise up and that is exactly what the globalists desire.

If the globalists can draw us into a civil war and crush the opposition, they can end all pretenses and their full blown tyranny will be fully exposed for all to see and experience firsthand.  How close is America to falling into a civil war?

 The Three Stages of a Revolution

dhsMany believe that the revolution has already begun and I would agree with them. There are three distinct stages of revolution and we are moving down the path to civil war at a frightening pace. You may not realize this fact, but your government certainly does! When DHS purchases 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored vehicles, it is clear that they are preparing to kill millions of uncooperative Americans.

Stage One of the Revolution

revolucionThe first stage of a revolution, is a war of ideas and a campaign for the truth. This is what I am trying to accomplish on my website and on my talk show. Where I see the enemy at the gate, most of my friends and neighbors are sleeping through the unfolding attack. We are in a war of words and if we fail to use our words to awaken all of humanity, we are hopelessly lost and the globalists will carve us up for dinner. There is indeed strength in numbers and if we are unable to wake up our fellow countrymen, we will negate the only true tactical advantage we have, solidarity from a numerically superior force.

It should now make sense to you as to why 98% of the media is controlled by globalist controlled business interests, who in turn are controlled one way or another, by the members of the Federal Reserve. In order to win this fight, we need more people speaking out, making videos and calling MSM talk shows. We especially need to reach the police and the military in order to remind them of their constitutional duty to protect the people against a tyrannical government.

Our counter to the control of the MSM, is to exclusively support the alternative media. If Obama is successful in taking down the alternative media, then it will become necessary to enact a type of Committees of Correspondence  apparatus similar to what our Founding Fathers did in the pre-Revolutionary War period in our history. On the ground communication is timeless, effective and very difficult for a totalitarian government to negate.

Stage Two of the Revolution

Stage two of a revolution consists of civil disobedience or nonviolent resistance. Thanks to Obama, he has given Americans the perfect pretext to begin to resist our criminally controlled government and America is presently sitting on the edge of being immersed in stage two of a revolution. I am speaking specifically about gun control.

gun confiscation 21No matter what gun control laws that Obama brings to the American people, the people need to disobey.  Most readers already know what happens when a civilian population surrenders its guns. When, not if, but when Obama comes for our guns, all of us have a constitutional duty to disobey these unlawful policies. If this form of civil disobedience does not stem the tide of tyranny sweeping the country, then withhold your money from the globalist apparatus. Stop paying taxes as much as possible. Do not shop in the corporate chain stores controlled by Federal Reserve members such as Walmart or any other well known globalist entity. Shop local and begin to trade and barter with your neighbors and friends. Buy gold and silver and get of the corrupt Petrodollar as much as possible. In short, stop feeding the beast. Practiced en masse, these financial practices are often enough to bring a criminal government to its knees. However, you better store food and water because history shows the next step that a totalitarian regime would take would be to starve the people into submission. Further, we all need to realize that  if stage two does not bring the criminal banksters to their knees, stage three is unavoidable and that means all out war. If our resistance is forceful enough, we may force the globalist cowards to retreat and regroup. Their hesitation works to our advantage. We can use the time to solidify our positions and will be in a new position to make demands of the government. If our civil disobedience is forceful enough, we can make the globalists think twice about beginning a civil war.

With myself being a nonviolent person, I prefer this path of resistance. Although I may have been born at night, I was not born last night. The retreating globalists will eventually return with new methods and strategies to enslave humanity. We can only hope that we are united enough to resist being taken into stage three.

Stage Three: All Out War

Stage three is direct physical confrontation with the powers that be which involves a large number of citizens. In this case, our enemies will be comprised of whatever minions that the Federal Reserve can bring to the fight such as a well-armed DHS. If Americans have done their due diligence in stage one, the majority of the military and the police will defend the people. However, they must know that the people will stand with them. These objectives must be accomplished in Stage one.

A successful revolution cannot simply jump to stage three without having progressed through the first two stages. The first two stages are the necessary prerequisites that the globalists require to build the cohesiveness that they will need to begin the roundups, the murder, the mayhem and the total subjugation. False flag attacks are prominent part of the transition between stage two and stage three rebellion. False flag attacks also provide the justification and also galvanizes the pro-governmental forces to a point in which they begin to enslave the people.

When Stalin’s forces were dragging a third of the Russians out of their homes, it was too late for the Russians to fight back because the ideological base of resistance had not been built. The Russian people were defeated by Stalin because they did not win stage one of the revolution. We desperately need to heed this lesson from history and embark on a tireless crusade to wake up our country as to the dangers that lie ahead. Therefore, it is the duty of every awake American to educate their neighbors, family and friends, whether they want to hear the truth or not. Remember, any kind resistance to tyranny will not succeed unless there is an attitude of defiance towards the tyranny. Tyrants require minions to carry out their tyranny. Again, this is accomplished, again, in stage one.

If we are going to successfully fight back, it is now or never. Start an email distribution list. Talk to everyone  you know. Post short notices about the tyrannical government at your community mailboxes. Be creative, think of new ways to reach your neighbors. And by the way, buy guns and ammunition. Hide some of your guns. If possible, buy the guns off the books so there is not a government list with your name on it. When martial law is imposed, have a pre-designated meeting place for you and your family because cell phone communications may be down. Carry three days of needed resources in your cars because you cannot predict when you will experience trouble getting home. Form resource coalitions with your friends and coworkers. Store resources at differing safe houses, in your area, with friends and family that you trust. Turn off your television which only serves to condition people to accept defeat and to embrace the plans of the New World Order. Build backup plans for your contingency plans. Start preparing today like your life depends on it, because it does.


false flagI believe that Obama’s people will very soon begin to commence false flag attacks in order to hasten the implementation of martial law and force the real leadership of the opposition out in the open where they can be crushed in a brief civil war. I think the first false flag event will transpire with the collapse of the Petrodollar and this will constitute the countdown to an all-out civil war.

If we can keep the globalists mired in stages one and two, through some of the suggested actions that I list, we might be able to force a lengthy stalemate. Time is not on the globalists side because propaganda does not shield the truth from the masses forever. This is why the globalists have to resort to collapsing the dollar and initiating false flag attacks as a means to force this issue into the third stage.

If a high percentage of the people were prepared to sit out the collapse of the dollar, through being prepared, and to “roll with the punch of the imposition of martial law” as a result of false flag attacks, the globalists would eventually run out of steam. We also need to realize that individuals like George Soros would even go so far as to start revolutionary movements as a means to draw out public resistance that could be crushed. Do you remember when the globalists got caught funding the Occupy Wall Street movement? Same strategy, same result, and whatever happened to the Occupy Wall Street movement?  The Occupy movement is dead on arrival. The same will happen with any “underground” revolutionary movement. Do not be deceived. Prepare, pray and let the globalists run out of steam. To paraphrase the Bible, in Romans 12:2, it essentially commands its followers to not be an integral part of the world. Prepare to be outside the grid, outside the food supply system, outside the need for public services because they will be used to control the people in times of desperation.

One Caveat

fema camp workersOne caveat that every American needs to be aware of is to securely hide at least one gun that is off the books. Because if passive resistance fails, we will need a collective means to defend ourselves. I believe we can forestall the globalists’ plans to such a degree that they will fall apart. The longer we can delay total subjugation, the more the globalist minions will see through their evil agenda and come to realize that they are working towards their own enslavement. This could lead to great attrition within the ranks of our captors. The globalists are much like the boxer in that if he cannot knock out his opponent by the third round, he will lose because he will run out of steam. However, if the globalist trump card is genocide and mass imprisonment, all bets are off.  If genocide and mass detentions were to begin to take place, then you will have had direct war declared upon you and your family and you will have to act accordingly. However, we would be very stupid to engage the enemy on the battlefield. Instead, we will need to engage our enemies in an asymmetrical form of warfare and that will be the topic of the next part of this series.

[End of Dave Hodges Article]


Some Commentary By Allen Darman with help from his heroic WordPress Collaborative Team! without whom I would probably have been dead some time ago.

There are a Number of Alternative News Authors that I like. Dave Hodges is One of the Best! This guy is right on the Money in regard to the Above. However, what he does not realize is that due to the Fact we are rapidly running out of time, we can not just rely on the Growth of Knowledge Via the Internet to Wake Enough of our Fellow Americans Up Fast Enough. The Power of Main Stream Media to Brainwash the American People and Keep Them Asleep until Economic Collapse and Martial Law occurs is Simply Too Great! We need to find a way to Wake Up Tens of Millons of Americans At Once! My WordPress Collaborative Internet Team and I have proposed an Internet Woodstock-like Event as one way of helping in this regard. Perhaps there are other ways and means that could be helpful in this regard as well.

Anything and Everything Ought To Be Considered in these regards! even to the point of going door to door, talking to people, and dropping off DVD’s.

Those of us who are Truly Aware of what is coming down the pike are greatly outnumbered by those that believe what they see on the Nightly News! This HAS TO CHANGE! or Us Aware Folks are in Deep Shit! I kid you not! THE ONLY HOPE WE HAVE IS>>> That The INTERNET COMPUTER And The COMPUTER SOFTWARE INDUSTRY WILL TAKE ACTION To WAKE UP! Their FELLOW AMERICANS En Masse! People such as Dave Hodges, despite perhaps being heard by thousands, are NOT HEARD ENOUGH! Thousands, or tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands…. these are all Very Small Numbers when compared to Over 310,000,000 Million Americans! Even one million or two million or five million is a Very Small Number when compared to the Total Population of the U.S. If you have ever seen the FEMA camp stuff on the Internet, it is quite apparent that the Globalists are preparing for the Extinction of Many. The Only Way for the Good Guys and Gals to Win is that We Need to Win the Hearts and Minds of the Majority of the American Public BEFORE Martial Law and Internet Censorship come into play. If I do not make it to Emeryville by Train, the Upper Echelon of the Computer and Computer Software Industry Needs to Schedule A Day Or A Weekend to Get Together and Figure Out A Winning Strategy to Wake Tens of Millions of Americans Up, and then carry this strategy out. I have a strong belief in non-violence, and the Ideology of Mahatma Gandhi. However, a way needs to be found to counteract the Brainwashing that has occurred, and is still occurring, on the TV.

Some Notable Quotes By Dave Hodges And Allen Darman

When Stalin’s forces were dragging a third of the Russians out of their homes, it was too late for the Russians to fight back because the ideological base of resistance had not been built. The Russian people were defeated by Stalin because they did not win stage one of the revolution. We desperately need to heed this lesson from history and embark on a tireless crusade to wake up our country as to the dangers that lie ahead. Therefore, it is the duty of every awake American to educate their neighbors, family and friends, whether they want to hear the truth or not. Remember, any kind resistance to tyranny will not succeed unless there is an attitude of defiance towards the tyranny. Tyrants require minions to carry out their tyranny. Again, this is accomplished, again, in stage one. Dave Hodges

If we are going to successfully fight back, it is now or never. Start an email distribution list. Talk to everyone you know. Post short notices about the tyrannical government at your community mailboxes. Be creative, think of new ways to reach your neighbors.Dave Hodges

Our Problem in a Nutshell is that Too Many of our Fellow Americans ARE NOT ON THE INTERNET and paying attention to the Alternative News. Those of us that are Computer Literate and Get Our News Off the Internet, often assume that a large portion of our Fellow Americans do too. Such is not the case at all. Remember, not all people that use the Internet “Listen to the Alternative News”, and believe in what it says. Many people just use the Internet for gaming, or for music, or for email, or for whatever (a whatever that does not help “us”). I do not know what percentage of the American Public Listens To and Believes In Persons such as Dave Hodges, Chris Hedges, Susanne Posel, (I know I am missing many names here) and all of the other Great Alternative News Journalists out there, but it is not that many, especially in contrast with the Total Population of the U.S. Dave Hodges is Right on the Money, with one exception. We NEED the Power and Strength of the Smart People in the Upper Echelon of the Computer and Computer Software Industry, the “Decision Makers” if you will, to firmly get behind people such as Dave Hodges, Chris Hedges, Susanne Posel, my WordPress Collaborative Internet Team and others of similar ilk, and for these Same Decision Makers TO FIND A WAY TO TOOT THE HORN TO ALL OF AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! We Also Need A Truthful Information Brigade that goes door to door, perhaps talks to people like the Jehovah’s Witnesses do, and hands out DVD’s that have been prepared in advance, and that have been copied for free off the Internet! And a Multi-Location Internet Woodstock Event such as iROCK4FREEDOM IS PRACTICALLY A MUST! AllenD


Tags: Allen Darman, alternative medical suppression, amtrak, assassinate, covered web services, dave hodges, energy invention suppression, false flag, Federal Government, federal reserve, FEMA, genocide, Google, government, Internet Censorship, Internet Freedom, Internet Freedom in America, Internet Freedom In America 2013, internet martyr, internet martyrdom, internet woodstock, iROCK4FREEDOM, iwoodstock, kill, lesbian 420subs, lesbian 420submissives, Mafia, Mark J, martyr, murder, NDAA, new world order, obama, petrodollar, police state, San Francisco, Thank You, train, united states federal government, WordPress, wordpress collaborative internet team, wordpress collaborative team, wordpress team


July4thRevolution Web Address>>>http://july4threvolution.wordpress.com/2013/04/02/a-must-read-article-by-dave-hodges-with-commentary-by-allen-darman-4-2-2013/
July4thRevolution Tweetable>>>http://wp.me/p2lIQI-r5

aCall4JustifiableRevolution Web Address>>>http://acall4justifiablerevolution.wordpress.com/2013/04/02/a-must-read-article-by-dave-hodges-with-commentary-by-allen-darman-4-2-2013/
aCall4JustifiableRevolution Tweetable>>>http://wp.me/p2oNvA-bi

